Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Zwei - Mein Art, Mein Weg

Because of Deutsch...
She compared it with her English back then...

'Tutup buku. Buka buku balik. Tutup buku. Tulis balik.'

You did that with 'Psychologie' and 'Geografie' and 'Geschichte'.
Yes, you had to take 13 subjects in the 7th Grade (7. Klasse):
  1. Deutsch
  2. Englisch
  3. Mathematik
  4. Geschichte und Politik
  5. Geografie und Wirtschaft
  6. Latein
  7. Psychologie
  8. Bussiness English
  9. Informatik
  10. AÖK
  11. Chemie
  12. Physik
  13. Englisch (Vertiefend)
  14. Turnen
  15. Biologie (8th Grade)
Everything was in german? Yes, everything. Except the subject english itself.

B1- Deutsch was nothing in compare to 7th Grade. You couldn't understand anything what they said in class. You wanted to be in the conversation but you just couldn't. The language barrier was too big, too huge. 

'Bukak buku. Tutup buku. Tulis balik.'

Sorry. You tried that. And you know how horrible it was, just to miss one single sentence and then you were completely lost. You failed the exams.
You knew, you couldn't survive like that.
To you, that was not the way. At least, not YOUR way.
You are the type of person who need to comprehend most of the thing you do.
Memorization wasn't your strength. You knew it long ago.
You are not like her.
You just couldn't do it, the way she did.

And it was not something shameful.
You admitted your weakness, and you found the other way.

Just, please, don't compare. No one is the same. Be it your cousin, twins, sisters, brothers, daughters, sons, uncles, etc.
You can not treat people, judge people, the way you judge you.


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