Friday, January 11, 2013

Vier - Die Liebe

One sense people always neglect. The sense of smell. You remember things by the way they smell.

It was the scent of autumn. 
The smell of the autumn rain.
You walked to school. About an hour or so.
Trees with dark branches, trunks. 
Wet leaves golden in colour.
The calmness of the silence. Yes, even silence had smell.

The smell of something new.
Something new was coming.
Everything was new to you. Too new.

While walking, you realized something. You are alone in this world. Only He can help you.

Your friends asked you wether you were alone there in Vienna.
You said, no. You had your mum and your youngest sister.
They said, oh.. then, it was not a big deal, at least you had your family.

it was either you were in a city with 30+ friends under the same scholarship taking the same course you were taking and having each other for support, plus having seniors who could throw you welcoming parties, who could guide you with your studies, provide you with information, etc.  
you had no one except your mum and your youngest sister.

For a year. Then, you were on your own. 

In your case, it was your mum and your sister.
And you are ever so thankful for that, until now.
'Coz you knew, even if you were with thousands of friends, it would not be the same as  being with your mum and your sister.

Not the same.


Und ich hoffe, eines Tages wirst du auch dieselbe Liebe kriegen. Diese starke Liebe von den Eltern (von der Familie), die dir schon seit langem fehlt. Diese starke, nicht beschreibbare, rückhaltlose Liebe. Wenn es nicht von den Eltern wäre, dann würdest du sie von jemand anderem kriegen. Jemand mit reinem Herzen. Jemand, der für dich ist. Weil ich fest daran glaube, dass jeder, der an Gott vertraut, diese Liebe verdient. Und du bist einer von denen. Du bist immer mit Ihm, und Er ist immer mit dir. 
Du hast im Schatten geweint. Du hast viel erlebt. Du überlebst. Du ... Du verdienst sie. 

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