Wednesday, March 13, 2013

tak faham

I seriously dont get people who keep on blaming the world for being so cruel, so unjust, so (the list goes on...) Demanding for the world to change, to fulfill their needs, to offer them a better future, etc.

Hello...wake up!
you are blaming the world.

kau salahkan dunia... like seriously?

Bodohnya kau.

kenapa harapan kau tinggi melangit untuk dunia?
why expect 'great' things to bloom with buds of happiness, petals of appreciation from the soil of Dunya?
Kenapa harapkan pulangan daripada titik peluh dan lelah kau di dunia ni daripada Si Dunia?
Why put hopes on Dunya?
Is your goal really this Dunya?
If, yes, then sorry to say,
but go fix your goal,
dear friends.